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Thursday, March 22, 2012

John Robson of Earth here to report that, if the daily barrage of horrible news makes you wish you were on some other planet, it’s safe to visit Mars. Sure, the vicious giant six-legged white apes are a bit of an issue. But hey, life’s tough everywhere.

OK, it’s embarrassing even admitting I watched John Carter [of Mars], the looooong-awaited film version of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ sword-and-scifi epics that began appearing a century ago in serial form. I felt like a bit of a doofus going into the theatre and considerably more of one putting on the 3D glasses. But the worst part is, I liked it.

Obviously it fits Abraham Lincoln’s pithy book review “People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like”. Some people wouldn’t go see a vampire-bodice-ripper no matter how well done... like me. Others would not wish to see a beautiful princess heroically rescued on a dying desert planet oversupplied with ferocious six-armed green warriors even if the guy had no shirt and could jump really really far.

The latter group includes most reviewers, who found the movie overdone, overly complicated and underacted. I won’t claim it’s another Star Wars: The One Good Episode, about to launch a franchise bigger than a thoat. But I will defend it on three grounds.

First, it’s an exciting action tale in the Burroughs tradition. Second, the real, glorious star of the movie is Burroughs’ vision of Mars, or “Barsoom,” which has enchanted readers for a century despite his limitations as a writer. Finally, on Barsoom virtue is rewarded in an uncomplicated way and when you meet someone who doesn’t daydream about a world where that happens you are in the company of a dangerously jaded individual.

I won’t spend much time defending my first criterion for liking a movie. Life is an adventure and if you don’t like adventures I can’t help you.
On the second, I can’t believe how often people insist on bringing great, or at least popular, books to the silver screen then tarnish them like cheap brass. Take the ghastly A Game of Shadows... please. I cannot understand why anyone who likes Holmes would produce this monstrosity or why anyone who doesn’t like Holmes would make a movie about him at all, and wish Holmes’ brother Mycroft would sue the producers.

As for the lavish Lord of the Rings trilogy, I wish Ents would sue the producers. But John Carter is faithful to the essence of Burroughs’ vision... right down to the ludicrous science.
The plot is not identical, of course. No film adaptation can do that, for sheer length if nothing else. But it’s perilous deciding what to leave out or compress, and crucially what to alter to preserve the feel of a book in this quite different format. I’ve long listed Jurassic Park and The Hunt for Red October as successful efforts. Now I add John Carter.
I swear I haven’t read all 11 Burroughs Mars books so I’m not sure which plot elements were borrowed from later installments not invented by the producers. But it doesn’t matter, because watching the movie feels like reading the novel. Even the very different surprise ending, better than the book without being unfaithful to it.

Finally, and most importantly, the film preserves Burroughs’ moral tone. Despite changing the hero’s background dramatically to make him a more modern, reluctant warrior, it still proclaims that sufficient courage, determination, sense of duty and openness to friendship and love can triumph over circumstances.
Despite the headlines, it’s mostly true on Earth as well. And if you dream of being John Carter, at least a bit, you’ll be better equipped to give it a try.



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