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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter

20th Century Fox's Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter became the latest Hollywood project to release a revealing trailer at this year's Wondercon, which wrapped up today in Anaheim (Ridley Scott released a new trailer to his upcoming Prometheus yesterday).

In the new trailer, we see more more the axe-wielding 16th president. We also get more backstory. Ab' witnessed his mother's (Robin McLeavy) death at the hands (fangs) of a vampire, starting his quest to kill the undead. We also discover that the battle between Lincoln vs. vampires culminates when the vampires form an alliance with the Confederacy during the Civil War.

During the two-minute trailer, we hear Lincoln's (Benjamin Walker) voice.

    History prefers legends to men; preferes nobility to brutality; soaring speeches to quiet deeds. History remembers the battles but forgets the blood, however history remembers me before I was a president. It shall only remember a fraction of the truth.

Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter HD 720p Trailer:

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